Tippit Middle School Counseling Department

Sean Moore - Counselor for last name A-L



Holly Barrett - Counselor for last name M-Z


512-943-5040 ext. 6464

At Tippit Middle School, we believe in the ability of all students to lead, grow, and serve. Because of our passion to support all students in this mission, we have a comprehensive counseling program designed to support all learners regardless of their individual needs and/or challenges.

Our department provides support in the following areas:

    • Scheduling
    • Social Emotional Learning
    • Academic Planning / Concerns
    • Small Groups
    • Crisis Response & Intervention
    • Support with Family, School, & Peer Concerns


The Guidance and Wellness Department is excited to offer you, your immediate family members, and your students with a free resource - Care Solace.

If you, your immediate family member, or student need assistance in finding community-based mental health related programs and/or counseling services, Care Solace is able to offer support. After privately speaking with a Care Solace concierge and answering a series of questions to best understand the specific need, the concierge will seek out options on your behalf. The Care Solace concierge will take the specific need as well as financial, appointment logistics, and proximity constraints into consideration. This service is available in multiple languages, 24/7.

GISD parents/guardians and immediate family members can connect with a Care Solace concierge in four ways:

  1. Call (888) 515-0595 to speak with someone from the Concierge team.
  2. Video chat by visiting our direct access link for GISD families: www.caresolace.com/gisdfamilies, select “Talk to Us” and then the “Virtual Chat” button.
  3. Email Care Solace at weserve@caresolace.org with your contact information, your preferred language, and a good time to reach you.
  4. Contacting your student’s school counselor who can provide a referral on your behalf.

All information shared with Care Solace remains completely confidential and securely stored.

As an additional option, if you and/or your immediate family member would like to search through the available resources on your own, the Care Solace website (www.caresolace.com/gisdfamilies) also provides this opportunity. After answering 10 questions, users will receive an extensive list of referrals to applicable care providers.

Please note, this service is an optional resource provided to our GISD community and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week as part of our multi-tiered approach to wellness. It is available during regular school hours as well as outside school hours - including breaks and weekends. The purpose of Care Solace is not for response to an immediate crisis-level need. Should this level of need occur, please call 911 or the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at (800) 273-8255.

Care Solace is now available for use at no cost to you. If you or a family member are interested in seeking counseling-related services at this time, please consider visiting www.caresolace.com/gisdfamilies. If you have questions about Care Solace, please feel free to contact your campus school counselor.

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